My programs on VB.NET (1 et 2)
To run My programs, you have necessary installed (if not already do) then .NET framwork adapted to the program.
To download .NET framwork 1,
click on this link, REMARK, the .NET framwork 1 is inclued in Windows XP SP2.
To download .NET framwork 2,
click on this link, This program need Windows Installer 3, You can download this on Microsoft website, but it need the spyware Microsoft Guenuine Advantage can run, if isn't the situation, you can follow
this link (french) (1.91 MB).
The source code of programs can be find on the website
Those programs are programmed in french.
I not responsable if injuries may occurs on run's my programs, they are analized on antivirus and they haven't event alert.
All dates are in french format
Programs on VB.NET 1
Icon | Program's name | Description | Link | Image | Source | Forum | last upload | Creation date |
| CalcBool | This program cas output a virity table of an logical equation |  |  |  | | 31/06/2006 | 16/12/2005 |
 | CutToKey | Can move files to removable media and optimize the space |  |  |  | | 31/06/2006 | 09/04/2006 |
 | DupKiller | Show and permit the deleted/move files are identical by extension, name, size and/or MD5 hash |  |  |  | | 31/06/2006 | 17/04/2006 |
| Eau | Screen saver show the fall of water particle |  |  |  | | 31/06/2006 | 15/02/2006 |
| Classes | 2 classes and 2 libraries util for development |  |  |  | | 31/06/2006 | 29/04/2006 |
Programs on VB.NET 2
Icon | Program's name | Description | Link | Image | Source | Forum | last upload | Creation date |
| NHLog | It is composed by 3 parts : a Windows service, a configuration program and .NET library. It can permit umanage and create log files |  |  |  | | 14/01/2007 | 06/12/2006 |
 | NHPopup | It is a remplacement, for Windows XP, 2000 or greather, for WinPopup on Windows 98 |  |  |  | | 04/05/2007 | 07/08/2006 |
| EmptyDir | Command line program, show/delete the empty directories |  |  |  | | 31/06/2006 | 15/08/2006 |
 | LectMp3 | Audio player (MP3, WMA, MID, WAV), read files and show (if saved) the music's text. It can be reduce in task bar. |  |  |  | | 20/06/2008 | 01/07/2006 |
| DiffRep | Program to show the differences between 2 directories group |  |  |  | | 01/08/2010 | 29/10/2006 |
 | DupKiller | Program to detect and delete identical files in a directories group |  |  |  | | 21/02/2010 | 07/09/2006 |
 | CutToKey | Can move files to removable media and optimize the space |  |  |  | | 30/01/2007 | 17/01/2007 |
| TraitementImage | Program to operate treatments on group of image |  |  |  | | 05/01/2007 | 06/10/2006 |
 | RegExplore | Program to browse a REG file |  |  |  | | 27/01/2007 | 20/01/2007 |
| Attrib | Program to replace ATTRIB DOS command. Accept compressed and indexed attributes. |  |  |  | | 12/03/2007 | 11/02/2007 |
| Autorun | Program to manage autoruns |  |  |  | | 02/05/2007 | 14/04/2007 |
| Mastermind | The game of Mastermind. |  |  |  | | 02/05/2007 | 14/04/2007 |
| SolMastermind | Program to list solutions of mastermind game |  |  |  | | 02/05/2007 | 14/04/2007 |
 | Memoire | Memory game. |  |  |  | | 02/05/2007 | 14/04/2007 |