My description
My name is Nicolas HENRY, I entered the workforce.
I had my driving licence, my patent college, my BEP electronic, BAC PRO MRIM (Micro informatique et Réseau, Installation et Maintenance) and my BTS IRIS (Informatique et Réseau pour les Industries et les Services techniques anciennement BTS informatique industrielle).
I spend my free time mainly to program and maintain this small personal site.
For my favourite here is a small list (not exhaustive):
C'est pas sorcier (France 3),
Karambolage (Arte), Capital (M6)
Otherwise, I look at some mangas: Naruto shipuuden (
episods VOSTFR),
Persona trinity soul,
Soul eater et
When I must keep my 2 younger brothers (22 and 20 years, 2 and 4 years when this shot takes), I'm simple ways:
